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From: "David Maloney" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: seashells
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 17:13:42 -0500
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I notice from the Internet that your club specializes in sea shells, =0Aa=
 category included in "Maloney's Antiques & Collectibles =0AResource Dire=
ctory". We are always looking for additional =0Aspecialists to be listed =
(at no cost to you), and you=0Aappear to be the kind of listing we are lo=
oking for. There is=0Ano cost or obligation to be listed.=0A.=0A"Maloney'=
s" is a 672 page unique book containing over 16,000 =0Aresources (dealers=
, collectors, experts, websites, appraisers, =0Aclubs, periodicals, repai=
rers, suppliers, auction services, =0Amuseums, etc.) for 3,000 categories=
 of antiques, collectibles, =0Ajewelry, art, and other types of personal =
property. "Maloney's" =0Ais published by Antique Trader Publications, and=
 listings =0Aare FREE. "Maloney's" is in its 4th edition and is published=
=0Ain book form every other year.=0A.=0AAs we prepare to debut the online=
 version of =0A"Maloney's Antiques & Collectibles Resource Directory", =
=0AI just wanted to make sure you did not miss this important =0Aopportun=
ity to be listed. On the internet, "Maloney's" will be =0Aleveraging the =
power of a site getting over 1.25M hits per week!=0A.=0AIs it OK if I sen=
d you more information about "Maloney's"? =0A.=0AJust hit your reply butt=
on and type "send info" in the subject =0Aline to receive more informatio=
n including that about the Online =0Aversion of "Maloney's" in which all =
those listed will appear, =0Aagain at no cost to you. Or you can go to =
=0A to learn more.=0A.=0AWant to=
 be listed right now? There's both an electronic and =0Aprintable listing=
 application form you can submit by going to =0A
stingapplication.htm. Remember to=0Ainclude a snail-mail address and phon=
e number, as those who use=0Athe book version of "Maloney's" often do not=
 have access to=0Athe Internet.=0A.=0AIf you have anything to do with ant=
iques or collectibles, you =0Aneed to be included in this resource! "U.S.=
 News & World Reports" =0Acalls it the "bible" of the industry and Harry =
Rinker says "...if I =0Aowned only one book in the Antiques & Collectible=
s field, this =0Awould be it!"=0A.=0AIf receiving this email is irksome, =
I apologize. This subject =0Aappeared to me to be within the realm of you=
r interests.=0ATo avoid receiving future mailings, simply send a reply wi=
th =0A"remove" in the subject line.=0A.=0AThanks,=0A=0ADavid Maloney=0A"M=
aloney's Antiques & Collectibles Resource Directory"=0AP.O. Box 2049=0AFr=
ederick, MD [log in to unmask]://