All the alleged virus's discussed on Conch-L this far are all a hoax.
on those messages is widely available online, in the newspapers, and in most
computer magazines and their web sites.
-----Original Message-----
From: Carol Boswell Simpson <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thursday, February 05, 1998 5:00 PM
Subject: Virus?
>I read with interest the virus alert, and have a question or two.  If AOL
>warning people about this, why doesn't it come on the opening screen?  It
>seems to me the carriers would have some kind of warning to give to people
>use their service.
>I had an e-mail earlier in the week with some kind of message to be sent to
>everyone you know.  It said if the people got 1,000 e-mails, Bill Gates
>give them $100--that was the jist of the message, or something equally
>ridiculous.  I figured it might be a way for someone to get 1,000 e-mail
>addresses.  The names at the bottom went on forever!!!!
>Did anyone else get this?
Bill  Frank
1865 Debutante Dr.
Jacksonville, FL 32246-8645
Phone: (904) 724-5326 (Voice & Fax)
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