The ides of March are fast upon us. This the month when,
traditionally, the swallows come back to Capistrano, the buzzards (I
kid you not) come back to Hinkley, and the flying pigs return to
Cincinnati from their Winter nestings in Southern Italy.
       There will be the usual parades, greetings, and remarks by the
mayor. Then the children will join in and throw ears of corn in the
air to be plucked on the wing by the porcine aeronauts.
      For several weeks the city fathers have been carting fresh mud
to the (as we call them) stys in the skies. The pigs used to nest
high atop downtown buildings. This however has been vigorously
discouraged since some of the citizens strolling in that area have
been heard to mutter things like: "What is it that just fell on my
head?". Nowadays, the porkers are encouraged to nest in open forest
areas or on the roofs of people who don't go out much.
     I know you will all join me on March 5th (a legal holiday in
southwest Ohio) in wishing all your friends a  Happy Pig Day.