Hi Carol,
I can not give you info on Kathleen or a meeting for newsletter editors
at COA.  When I hear from someone I will let you know.
Phyllis Diegel
On Thu, 16 Apr 1998 20:20:06 -0400 CAROL BOSWELL SIMPSON
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>I know this is a redundant question, but I will ask one more time!!!
>As many of you know, Kathleen wrote the funny "Revenge of the Cones
>posting in January.  (She was going to Fiji to collect cones)
>I have published her posting in the newsletter, and have tried to
>her on the Conch-L as to how her trip went. Did the cones get her?  I
>even tried a private e-mail to her--NOTHING!!
>If anyone knows of her whereabouts, please let me know.  Thanks.
>P. S.  Is there going to meeting of newsletter editors at the COA
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