I am a member of the Conch-L list among other things.  I am an avid Strombus
collector, self collected, traded and purchased.  I am in search of a fine
St. taurus with a clean back (have a couple self collected from Kwajelein
Atoll) as well as any St. hawaiiensis and other interesting color, size,
anomlay.  Let me know if you have any specimens for trade, sell etc.  Thank
Mike I
-----Original Message-----
From: mark <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Friday, April 17, 1998 8:15 PM
Subject: A word of thanks,
>Hello "L"er's, I just recieved a box of wonderful shells donated by George
>Sangiouloglou for our clubs auction. George donated such nice stuff that I
>had to say Thank you in a public manner. Mark