THEN, of course, there are the fresh water common names. How about
Deer Toe, Pig Toe, and three-horned Warty Back. We have Heel-
Splitters, Spikes, and Elephant Ears. There's an Elks Toe,  and a
Monkey Face, which is easier to remember than Quadrula metanerva
(Rafinesque). We have Higgin's Eye, a Washboard, and a Pocketbook.
     It doesn't make any difference what we decide as to whether the
use of common names is desirable or not. People use them, and the
pros understand what they are refering to. Actually, I have shells I
refer to as George, Henry and Edna. Makes them a lot more personal
and chummy.
*Even nostalgia aint what it used to be.   Anon