Dear Helmut,
     I grew up in Florida, so I think I know what this is about. Down in
     Key West ( the southernmost point in the U.S. ) the people call
     themselves Conchs. It's kind of a joke down there; they are always
     threatening to secede from the U.S. but I think it's just a joke.
     Don't worry - there won't be a new state starting up down there!
     Sue in Denver
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Subject: the conch-state in Southern Florida
Author:  Conchologists of America List <[log in to unmask]> at INET
Date:    5/15/98 12:10 PM
Helmut Nisters
A-6020 Innsbruck / Austria
Dear shell friends
Todays evening I watched the local news on TV of Tyrol.
They reported about about Sir Peter (I don't remember
exactly as I didn't registered on video his full name - maybe
Anderson) who visited Innsbruck. He maybe will create a new
state in South Florida, the conch-state. Did you hear anything
about this? I will need informations very urgent. As in the local
news was mentioned the state will bei created in the most
southern point of Florida and they hope to be recognized by
other states and the UNO or somewhat else. In the report
there was also a error of the reporter, as he designated
a Strombus gigas with the German term "Muschel" (mussel
or bivalve) and not as "Schnecke" (gastropoda).
Please let me hear as soon as possible from these news.
Is there anything true or it's a gag, to report about a state,
which doesn't exist or will exist in future.
thank you best for informations.
yours sincerly Helmut