On Sanibel I Florida this winter there was an abundance of shells.
Unfortunately a lot of them died.
Sometimes you can still put the "fresh dead" shells in the microwave or
boil them.
I cleaned one of these shells about11:30 one night   only to discover it
was a "real dead" shell.
The smell woke up my husband from a sound sleep.  He had a few choice
words to say and began
opening windows, doors, turning on fans, spraying deodorant , etc. and
then sat outside for quite
In telling our friends the next day, I was told to put whole cloves in
with your shells in the microwave
or in the water if you boil shells.  I have since used the cloves and
found that it really works\
whether boiling or mircowaving.  It really does cut down the odor or
maybe it just camouflage
the odor,.
A little of the cloves goes a long way.  Now does anyone know if there's
any reason the cloves
might harm the shell?
Ardeth Hardin
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