From: Sharon Grimes              2SLG
Subj: Introducing myself
Hi folks!  I'm Sharon Grimes, many of you know me as Sharon Stanfield.  I
got married a couple of months ago and am working at  getting used to my
new name.
I live in Garland, Texas, and am a member of the North Texas Conchological
Society.  Normally, you would find me at the COA convention, and always on
the COA dive trips.  I won't be able to attend this year, so I'll hope to
see everyone next year.
My husband, Steve, is also a diver, likes shells (but not as crazy about
them as me), and does a good job of finding shells for me when we dive.
He is also tolerant of having shells all over the house.  Murex is my
favorite family, but I basically collect anything.
I look forward to reading all the conch-l mail!