We have an article about this "mutant" variety on our club web pages
(past newsletter articles).  A prominent member of the scientific
community has stated emphatically that he is against introducing
foreign Opisthobranchs (from the Caribbean) to control the problem.
Bill Frank
1865 Debutante Dr.
Jacksonville, FL 32246-8645
Phone/FAX: (904) 724-5326
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-----Original Message-----
From: Martin S. Kohl <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Saturday, July 11, 1998 8:01 PM
Subject: Mediterranean seaweed and molluscan control
>Hi All;
>Just a note, to our Mediterranean contributors in particular.
>In the most recent issue of Science News, (July 4, 1998, Vol. 154, No.1)
>is an  article about what appears to be a new variety of the seaweed
>taxifolia.  It is invading the northern parts of the Mediterranean, and
>researchers are considering the introduction of two Caribbean slug species,
>Oxynoe azuropunctata and Elysia subornata in an attempt to control it.