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Subject: RE:Welcome and Thank You
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 09:58:26 EDT
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Thank you Laura ...
.....for the nice welcome....Although I am not a new sheller,  I am not
familiar with scientific names, so guess I might as well be new...Huh ?   :-)
.  I am really looking forward to learning as much as I can.
I have lots of experience of collecting, cleaning and storing shells as I have
had a very large collection before, gave it away and now find that I just
cannot live without "doing" with shells.  If you love shells as I do , you
already know exactly what I mean.  I dream of finding shells and their beauty
fascinates me as no diamond ever could.  I'd sell the diamonds to find or buy
The quotatioin from Robert Louis Stevenson is one of my favorites and I was so
impressed to see it on the paperwork that I downloaded from the web-site of
the "Conchologist of America".  Seeing it there was the deciding factor that
prompted my request to subscribe to this list and learn more about the
I will have to listen for the message should I need to call Bobbi.
Again , thank you for the welcome note.  I'll look forward to reading all your
postings and hopefully will get everyone and their locations fixed in my mind
so that I don't ask too many "dumb" questions.  :-)
With best wishes.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL