Hi everyone,
     I am a new subscriber and am looking forward to communicating with
you.  My friend, Carol Brunner, of the Greater Miami Shell Club,
suggested that you might be able to help me.  I am going to be in
England and would like to know the whereabouts of some good spots for
shelling.  If you could give me the names of some beaches with shells I
would be very appreciative.  I was considering the southern part of the
coountry from Dover to Penzance.
     I am a novice sheller.  I enjoy collecting along the southeast
Atlantic (usa), Mexico (both mainland and Baja), Kaua'i in the Hawaiian
islands and just anywhere where shells can be found.  I am not much of a
scientific collector...but, one who has a love of the seashore.
     Please be in touch and I'll share with you some of the good  stuff
I've found.   Jennifer (in Phoenix)
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