Hello Conch-L,
This is a response to an e-mail I received privately, but when I use
my reply button, the message keeps bouncing back to me as
undeliverable.  So I'm sending it though Conch-L, in hopes that it
will reach the right party.
Hi Ron,
If you were collecting in the South Pacific, your description
wouldn't be much
to go on.  However, you were collecting in an area where there are
only 4 species of Cypraea found, and only one of those has a spotted
or dark spots along the margins of the base.  Therefore I think your
specimens must be Cypraea spurca.  This is a very variable species in
base color, amount and darkness of spotting, etc.  The other three
Cypraea in the area are C. achatidea, C. lurida, and C. pyrum, and
your description sounds nothing at all like those species.  All the
elements of your description would fit at least some specimens of C.
spurca. There have been rare occurrences of other Cypraea in the
Mediterranean, particularly C. gracilis and C. caurica.  However,
your specimens don't match either of those species in size, color, or
markings.  And, since you collected several of them, it is most likely
a species common to the area.  So, I'd bet all my marbles on C.
Paul Monfils