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Subject: China Floods Spreading Disease
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 04:14:38 EDT
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China Floods Spreading Disease
.c The Associated Press
BEIJING (AP) -- Outbreaks of snail fever and other diseases have been reported
in the vast flood zone along the Yangtze River, a Chinese Red Cross official
said today.
More than 9,000 medical teams are dispensing water purification tablets and
treatment for people who have had contact with polluted flood water and risk
getting snail fever, or schistosomiasis, said Sun Baiqiu, vice president of
the Red Cross Society of China.
Snail fever is an endemic disease in central China that is caused by water
borne parasites carried by snails. Left untreated, it can cause liver,
urinary, lung and nervous system disorders.
There have been 513 cases reported in Jingzhou, a county in Hubei province,
the official China Daily newspaper reported today. Many snail fever control
stations had been destroyed by the floods, and Jingzhou urgently required
medicine and relief funds, it said.
Ms. Sun said snail fever and other diseases contracted from polluted water
were basically under control.
In the far northeast, colds and pneumonia have been reported, but the main
threat is the bitter winter just ahead, Ms. Sun said at a news conference.
The ground is expected to freeze before it dries out enough to allow
rebuilding. In heavily flooded Heilongjiang province, winter temperatures drop
to minus 22 degrees -- far too cold to survive in the tents that have served
as temporary shelters, she said.
The heavy flooding in the northeast and in the Yangtze basin this summer has
killed more than 3,000 people nationwide and left millions homeless, according
to government statistics.
Arne Jacobsen, a representative of the Red Cross who has visited flooded
areas, said the government and local Red Cross chapters basically were doing a
good job of getting food and medicines to those in need.
``I think there is still a long way to go. The immediate threat from the water
is being reduced now, but there are still some very difficult months ahead
until people can get back to normal lives,'' he said.
Along the Yangtze, China's longest river, the floods are the worst since 1954,
when 30,000 people died, about 90 percent of them from contagious diseases
after floodwaters receded. Floods in the northeast have been the worst on
AP-NY-09-10-98 0413EDT
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