The programs made by Jean Cate (and many other individuals) are still
from Tom Rice (Of Sea & Shore).  Our club has been using them periodically
at our meetings for about a year now.  The material is somewhat dated, but
in a way, that makes them even more interesting.
Bill Frank
1865 Debutante Dr.
Jacksonville, FL 32246-8645
Phone/FAX: (904) 724-5326
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-----Original Message-----
From: Glenn Burghardt <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thursday, September 17, 1998 10:24 PM
Subject: Re: Programs
>I would like to make the following comments in response to a listing of
>programs for shell clubs.  Many years ago (about twenty-five), Jean Cate
>was involved in making a series of slide programs for use (loan or rental?)
>for any club that wanted them. Laura and I made one on chitons. Does anyone
>remember these?  If so,  does anyone know where they are?  I believe this
>was for the COA in its infancy. If not, it was for the WSM.
>Best regards to all
>Glenn & Laura Burghardt
>11424 Pioneer Ave., Oakdale, CA 95361
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