Hi Folks,
I just sent off a picture to someone who requested it, and then
thought it might be of interest to others.  It is a photo taken with
the scanning electron microscope, of a 1.8 mm, heavily reticulated
gastropod, dredged at 1300 meters in the Gulf of Mexico.  I have no
idea what species, or even what family it is.  It has a huge
(relatively speaking) hole in its side, made by another gastropod (a
tiny moon snail??), and the scratches of the predator's radular teeth
are clearly visible around the rim of the hole.  If you are
interested, please e-mail me privately, and I'll send it to you as a
.jpg image; or, if some generous person with a web site would like to
post it there for a while, I can send it to them.
Paul M.