Ilyanassa obsoleta has been one of the most studied species that I have
ever seen.  Am. Midl. Nat. 138:224-229 recently included an article giving
details of a a study that was done to determine why the Diamondback Terrapin
(Malaclemys terrapin)  do not eat Ilyanassa obsoleta. The study found that
Ilyanassa shells were 2-3 times more resistant to crushing than Littorina
irrorata, Uca spp. and Callinectes sapidus, which are commonly consumed by
terrapin.  "High processing costs for mud snails (in terms of structural
resistance to crushing) may deter predation by terrapins despite the low
search costs and and equivalent energetic returns relative to alternative
Bill Frank
1865 Debutante Dr.
Jacksonville, FL 32246-8645
Phone/FAX: (904) 724-5326
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