Hi everyone,
I'm sorry,I usually only get online in the morning..I have a teenage
daughter with 34 roll playing characters and maybe even a little
homework, that generally monopolizes the computer.  I do know two
individuals that have three "authentic" fake wentletraps..lovely friends
who I often chide as old-fashioned ladies that would never think of
using a computer.  They, the wentletraps of course, are in a
hermetically sealed, humidity-controlled, etc, case that is dark until a
viewer pushes a button. Actually, I thought the arrangement was rather
modern for these two, but they assured me that it was merely an anomaly.
They received them from a friend in Europe a number of years ago. They
had shown up in an estate auction and apparently fetched a nice price.
They also have a few other fakes..or as they prefer,"reproductions",
that were made over 100 years ago, some carved of ivory and other stern
stuff.  The price the real thing fetched back then made them a hot
investment...some even more valuable than tulip bulbs!
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