Howdy Ivan,
So, how do you like duty in Gitmo? We never got stationed there, but we
had good pals in EOD that were there and they did a lot of great
shelling. Welcome to Conch-L, there are a lot of friendly and
knowledgeable folks that chat here (I'm not that knowledgeable, but I am
friendly, as all shellers are.) Be careful now, you are teetering on the
edge of an obsession..diving and finding "goodies" was how my husband
and I got started in this crazy stuff. After that we made several moves
and I "museum-packed" every speciman myself and hand carried the more
delicate ones...I was always fairly sure that the kids were with us when
we got to where ever we were going (grin). You've gotten good advise on
cleaning your may want to get a good book to help you
identify the local shells you continue to pick up while you are there.
Patti Lounsbury
New Mexico
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