Those of you who collect shells but are not interested in the creature
who lives inside won't care to read this..BUT  I spent last week in Kino
Bay (Sonora, Mexico).  One of our favorite things to do is go and eat
oysters and shrimp.  The oysters are GONE from the WHOLE area.  This is
very sad for those who farm and sell them for a living.  They've been in
this area, which is west of Hermosillo, for years.  Why do you think
this happened?  Also, I did some shell hunting at my favorite beach, the
TOWN DUMP!  You can find incredible amounts of things at this place
where fisherman take the "stuff" which gets caught in their nets.  I
found a shell I had never seen (two of them) mitra belcheri.  Those of
you who know me know I am the rankest of you know how
exciting it was to find this new (to me) beautiful shell.        Jen.
(in Phoenix)
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