Children all know that the
      Reindeer can't fly.
They don't got no wings.
      I assume that is why.
That myth is exploded.
     The truth now is out;
That Santa is pulled
     By a critter with snout.
Yes! Up in the sky!
    Here he comes! There he goes!
One identifies team
     By the shape of the nose.
Bringing presents to kiddies
    (Not purchased at Biggs)
But surely delivered
     By eight flying Pigs.
There's Porky and Bacon!
     There's Roger and Ham!
On Sausage and Truffle.
     On Cyril and Spam.
Oh see how the wings
    Sweep the dark from the night.
A wonderful vision:
     The pigs in full flight.
I bless you. I wish you
    Most happy new year.
May Santa's eight pigs
    Bring both comfort and cheer.
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