Dear all, I visited Ft. Pickens today, and I found a
few shells unknown to my knowledge. First I found
a odd turban or top, I can't be sure because it was
beached and had no operculum. It has a large body
whorl with about three spire whorls on top. Reddish
brown in color, The body whorl has a row
of large nobs running it's length. The interior is highly
nacreous. Can anybody tell me what this is?
Also, I found a small keyhole limpet, about 1cm in length.
It is also reddish brown. It has vertical and horizontal striations
all over. What is it? Also, I found a great fresh dead kitten's paw,
one of the few shells I collected myself.
Kind Regards James
P.S. The turban is about 1" in length.
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