Dear all, Today I did my first
study on live mollusks.
I went down to the Santa
Rosa sound and brought
up some Nassarius vibex.
I went home and put them
in a dish of seawater. What
I saw was just amazing.
Coming from the shell I
saw a very long siphon.
Next came 2 tiny tentacles
with pinpoint eyes in the
middle. On the back of the
foot I saw the operculum
and two small cirri. When
I fed them I saw a VERY
long proboscis which seized
and consumed the food.
I was just stunned by their
I also got some nice cowries
from Mike Hart today. I got 2 cypraea diliculum virginalis,
2 cypraea asellus, 1 cypraea bistrinotata, and 1 cypraea
moneta rostrate.
I hope you like
my story!
Kind Regards James
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