Dear Tom;-
  Share this with Bruce if you get a chance.
  This is Cincinnati. Last night we got two inches of snow on top of
an inch of ice to go with the five inches aslready on the ground.
Today, it is raining---and that is instantly turning into ice. Our
favorite game is watching the phone and electric lines get coated and
placing bets on which will fall first. Our forecast is that the
temperature will rise just enough to convery some snow to slush---
then will refreeze. My son-in-law hasn't taught a full day of school
yet this year. Me? What do I care! I rented three movies.
       Also welcome to the new guys on the block. Did anyone think to
warn them about flying pigs?
       And just to keep you all up and current. The Wentletrap Book
(Weil-Brown-Neville) (the last two doing most of the work), is in the
production stage. Our publisher, LaConchiglia, has it. For a
deffinate date---don't ask me---ask Maria.
       Is there some pill one takes for Cabin Fever?