Helmut Nisters writes,
"I know some Genera as Fruticicola, Urticicola, Saxicola, but I never
heard Cocacola. Is anybody able to help me."
Surely anyone who has a copy of Brown's "Composition of Scientific Words"
is aware that the Latin root -cola refers to the "dweller" or "inhabitant"
of the preceding item. Saxicola dwells on rocks, Petricola actually in
rocks. Cardium arenicolum lives in sand, as does the lugworm Arenicola.
Whereas "Cocacola" is a soft drink flavored with African cola nuts and
South American coca leaves (with the active ingredient first removed).
Cocacola would be an apt name for a land snail that lives in coca
plantations. So, Helmut, perhaps you should contact a Peruvian biologist
for specimens to name.
Andrew K. Rindsberg
Geological Survey of Alabama