Dear all, I have a cone from Hawaii, but I can't identify it.
I need everyone's help. It resembles a Conus textile in many
ways, and it just may well be. It just doesn't look TOTALLY like a
textile. Here's a description:
Amber-brown background
3 horizontal bands of large blunt white triangles, with about 6 vertical
bands of smaller triangles.
There are tiny bands in the brown background
color with little spots of white on them, they look
like a tiny strings of beads.
Spire is medium height and flat sided with pinkish apex.
Aperture is white and generally narrow, but gets wider towards the
anterior end.
Remeber, this is from Hawaii, and there are some endemic species there.
I believe myself that it may be a subspecies of C. textile.
Kind Regards James
P.S. A special thanks to all who learned me the hobby of shell
P.S.S. "learned" is just a joke.
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