I am assembling information for a Web page on the Jacksonville
Shell Club Site listing all the shelling bans / restrictions for the State
of Florida.  Any information you would care to submit should be
addressed to me privately at one of the E-mail addresses listed
below.  What I am primarily interested in are "Local" bans or
restrictions - not otherwise readily available - and a citation of
where the information came from.
As an example, the collection of  "oysters, mussels, and clams" is
permanently prohibited here in Duval County due to poor water
quality and was imposed by the Florida Department of Enviromental
Protection on 1 Feb., 1996. Source was local newspaper and a
Biology Professor at a local university.
Bill Frank
1865 Debutante Dr.
Jacksonville, FL 32246-8645
Phone/FAX: (904) 724-5326
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