James Cheshire asks, "[A]bout how much is a Manus Island Tree Snail worth?
I know it's illegal to sell them in the United States, but I was just
It's worth a stiff fine and confiscation of the shell, if obtained
illegally. Such objects are valued, but not valueless, nor are they
priceless. They are simply unpriced.
With a tip o' the hat to Art,
Andrew K. Rindsberg
Geological Survey of Alabama
P.S. Art Weil is not the bad poet that we called him as last Christmas. His
book, "Cenwahl of Wessex, Six Fifty Two" (1988, Cincinnati, Ohio, KRB
Publications, 77 p.) is on my desk as I write. "Cenwahl" shows a real
talent for light verse and understated humor. Yes, I know it's hard to
believe, almost impossible given the facts, but it's quite true.