Dear all, today, I decided i would try and find some garden mollusks.
I was extremely successful. I got about 7 of what I would consider common
garden snails, and I managed to find a beautiful land snail that was
about 1 1/2"
in length. I need all you land snail experts to help me with
identification. The large
snail is orange-amber color and is approximately 34mm in length. It has
about 3 whorls,
and the aperture is faintly pearly when viewed from a certain angle.
Small striations cover
the shell vertically. The collumella is curved to the right, and is
abruptly cut off at it's base.
The body whorl is large and fairly elongate. Spire is short.
I live in the west florida panhandle, so focus on snails mainly from that
If you know what this species is, let me know where to look for live
specimens, as they are
quite obscure.
James C.
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