Hi Ross,
That one won't need to be forwarded, as she'll be able to read it.  It's
in plain text, without the other stuff that keeps lots of us from reading
your messages without tricking the browser.
> From: Ross Mayhew <[log in to unmask]>
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: "visualizing" blank pages:  Cut and paste,or forward to
> Date: Tuesday, March 02, 1999 2:01 AM
> Although anyone who cannot see my pages cannot therefore read this,
> here are  three ways to make a blank page visible:
>     1)  simply hi-lite the text - this works sometimes, quite well!
>     2) "cut" the invisible page out, and copy it into the body of a new
> message, or anywhere else - this usually works.
> or 3)  Forward the message to yourself in an e-mail - this works most of
> the time.
> If someone could forward this to Barb, then she will not miss any more
> of the pearls of wisdom which drip from my slowly-moving-yet-cunning
> digits (or all the other stuff i send either!!)
> -Ross M.
>                  Ross Mayhew: Schooner Specimen Shells:
>                   http://www.schnr-specimen-shells.com.