Heartfelt thanks to all who contributed to this thread--and with surprising
unanimity. It would be nice to see an article on this in a popular
scientific magazine like Discover (any takers?).
My impression is that kids get the most out of museums when they are
supervised, by teachers, parents, or docents, or even by older kids.
Raising kids is a labor-intensive job, and I don't see any easy way around
It's good to hear that new naturalists are being raised out there in
Conchland, all over the world, in places as far apart as Austria and
Question: How closely related are shell-show exhibits and museum exhibits?
Does a show exhibit ever end up as a museum exhibit? Are they ever
Well, if you'll all excuse me, I'm heading back to the field to do some
more geologic mapping. Wish me good weather.
Andrew K. Rindsberg
Geological Survey of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA