Dear Carlos, I have never heard of C. perplexus.
All cones have a stinging mechanisim, but, like Paul
said, only a few species are dangerous to humans.
The following are a few species that could cause harm to humans:
C. geographus
C. textile
C. tulipa
C. gloriamaris
C. striatus
C. aulicus
C. ammiralis
C. cuvieri
C. bullatus
C. obscurus
C. pennaceus
C. marmoreous
I'm sure that there are more dangerous cones than listed here, but this
is all I can dig up for now.
Kind Regards James
P.S. Now, this qeustion is for all on the conch-l. Is Conus tinianus a
dangerous species? It seems to have a wide
aperture to me.
James M. Cheshire
Gulf Breeze, Florida, USA
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