Dear all, I have recently been doing some fossiling up here in
Columbus, Ohio, and I need some help. The other day I broke open a rock
with sponge fossils all over it, and inside was a lot of deeply grooved,
clam looking
things. I am not sure that they are clams, though. I have heard of an
ancient race of shells called "Lamp shells" and although they look like
bivalves, they are not related.
I read that they existed in large numbers several million years ago, and
that there are only a few species living in the deep parts of the worlds
oceans today. Now, here is a more detailed discription of them:
Cockel shaped, about 1/2" long,
with deep grooves running vertically up the shell.
I also found a little pecten in between two tree roots. Here is its
Wings equal, with fine vertical lines running up shell, about 1/2" long.
Reddish brown.
My uncle has a scanner; I will try and scan these, but since we are going
back down to Florida in two days and my uncle lives in Ohio, I may not be
able to.
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