     We are planning a 2 week drive "down the Baja".  We will leave
April 6th, with no particular itinerary in mind.  Does anyone have any
shelling suggestions?
     Those of you who know me know that I am a Conch-L "lurker".  I read
everything (almost) but don't really know enough to contribute much.  I
must add (with some levity) that as long as the bickering on Conch-L
continues, I kind of find myself amused as to what makes others angry.
Sometimes I think you all are JOKING!  Isn't it great just to be
alive?????  You have so much in common, why be picky?
     I hope I haven't made you so mad that no one will help me with my
Baja thing.  Have a nice day!
            Jennifer  (in Phoenix where the weather is PERFECT)
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