Several people have asked for the URL of the Geological Society of America,
which publishes the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology. As the topic
seems to be of general interest, I'll answer them here. The Society's home
page is:
You have to go through a long series of pages to reach the Treatise. Look
for buttons like "Publications" and "GSA Bookstore". Or, go directly to the
Treatise page. Don't bother me if it doesn't work; I copied and pasted it,
but I have no great confidence that all of these arcane symbols will be
transmitted correctly from my email system to listserver to your email
Six volumes on Mollusca have been completed, on acid-free paper, neatly
bound in dark blue with gold-leaf lettering ("lower" Gastropoda,
Cephalopoda other than belemnites, Bivalvia). Scaphopoda and Polyplacophora
are included in the Mollusca 1 along with the "lower" Gastropoda. Oysters
(my favorite) rate their own volume. I'm coordinating the revision of part
W, supplement 1 (Trace Fossils). It may be ready in 2010 or so.
Andrew K. Rindsberg
Geological Survey of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA