It is absurd to say that shells have no commercial value simply
because very few people are willing to pay for them.  There are few,
if any, commodities in the world with universal appeal.  There is a
market for shells; shell collectors buy them; dealers sell them.
presumably pay income tax on their earnings, and perhaps purchase
insurance to protect their investnent in shell specimens.  Lying when
shipping shells from place to place in order to avoid paying import
or export taxes or to deceive wildlife authorities attempting to
protect the world's threatened flora and fauna is a personal decision
which, if the quantity or value of the specimens is large or if
endangered species are involved, could have unhappy consequences.  If
you choose to do so, then face up to what you're doing; there is no
need to lie to yourself, as well.
~        ~         ~         ~
Howard L. Clark or Kate Clark /
[log in to unmask]
tel. (593-2) 224897 or 541215(&=fax) /
tel. (593-9) 496593  /
P.O. Box 17-12-379, Quito, Ecuador
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