>That's a pretty big snail, and I have to wonder how large its radula was.
>Here's a question for the gastropodologists: Is there any relationship
>between the size of a snail's shell and the size of its radula?
How's this for an ambiguous answer....yes, to some degree, but not always.
Some minute land snails (and marine, I'm sure) have proportionately (the
operative word) large radulae and some large snails have proportionately
small radulae, take the cones for instance.  It depends more on just what
the critters are doing with it.
Kurt [Auffenberg]
Interesting. Does a snail's radula grow throughout a snail's life?
Within a genus, are the radulae of large species larger than the radulae of small species?
Andrew K. Rindsberg
Geological Survey of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA