I have come to realize that subscribers to Conch-L are just people.  I think
some have bad mornings as well as good mornings.  Some gripe at their cats,
some smile at their dogs.  All have opinions!  Some split the arguements;
some lump them together.  Some go off the deep end; some just stick their
toes in the surf.  For any of us to take all of this as personal would
certainly be an error.  It is much easier to yell through your computer with
the notion that you're not really yelling at individual people.  And
remember, some just like to argue!  Let's not lose any more subscribers
because of bad manners or thoughtlessness.  And let's not quit the service
because someone yells at us.  Would you give up your driver's license just
because you got pulled over by a policeman?  We need the input, information,
experience, questions, opinions,  and yes, levity (pigs), of all on this
network.  Lighten up - and think of some kind words to say.  Some of the
recent comments have "no commercial value".
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Delaware, USA