Dear all, in response to the recent discussion about
rostrate cowries, I have something that ya might find interesting.
This Cypraea spadicea, which I got from Dan Yoshimoto, is badly
mutated. It is more elongate than most spadicea specimens, and the
dorsum coloration is not restricted only to the top as in most spadicea
but spreads almost to the base, gradually turning from chestnut to
The aperture is crooked. On the right side of the aperture
is a nasty, rough, greenish gray callous, perhaps the most grotesque
feature of the whole shell. Now, the cause of the distortion is perhaps
the most interesting thing about it.
It was mutated by nuclear power plant emissions near San Onofre,
This shell is really quite an interesting thing, and I will try and put a
photo of it on my site
sooner or later.
Kind Regards James
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