Pistils in flowers are reproductive organs.  Perhaps the reason they are
believed to enhance sexual performance.
Mike Iacoboni
-----Original Message-----
From: Bobbi Cordy <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Monday, April 19, 1999 5:02 PM
Subject: Re: Conch pistil
>This is part of the digestive system.  Perhaps where the waste is
>The Bahamians believe it to be an aphrodysiac (sp?).
>Peter V Wolfe wrote:
>> I just got back from the Bahamas, where we went conching.
>> During the process of separating the animals from their
>> shells, our Bahamian guide pulled out a clear stringy
>> thing he called the "pistil" [my spelling], which he
>> dipped in sea water and ate.  He says it's a tradition,
>> so of course I ate one too.  I'm trying to find out
>> what part of the animal it was. I've searched a lot of
>> 'net sites, and I can't find any detailed anatomy of
>> conches.
>> Also, can anyone recommend a good resource for identifying
>> the species of conch I got?  I still have the shell, but I
>> know that getting a genus and species is a long shot.
>> Thanks.
>> Peter
>Jim and Bobbi Cordy
>of Merritt Island, Florida.
>Jim Specializes in Self-Collected
>Caribbean & Florida Shells
>Bobbi in Shell Creations