I apologize for what must be a very beginner type question on
identification.  I don't have a tremendous amount of literature (no
RKK for example) and I'm confused on the difference between Conus
floridulus and Conus muriculatus.  The only book I have that mentions
a difference suggests that the floridulus might be a high spired
version of muriculatus.  Is there any other difference that might
distinguish between the two?
Also - my understanding is that Conus sugillatus is a synonym for
Conus muriculatus.  If that's the case then why does the recent Rice
price guide show dealers asking much more for muriculatus as they do
for sugillatus that are generally of the same size and quality?
Last beginners question - what is the difference between a granulose
form and a pustulose form?
Thanks for your time -
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