Yes, it works, very well indeed. I have finally got hold of some magnesium
sulphate, and a dollop in with the seawater makes live shells swell up and
go comatose. They pass away quietly, without curling up in their shells so
you can't pull them out.
But the only magnesium sulphate I could get at first was in the form of
25mg/mL glass ampoules for intravenous injection of humans. It is apparently
prescribed as a muscle relaxant for convulsions and tetany (lockjaw). And
it's expensive, at a dollar each 10mL ampoule, which only gives 2= grams of
the chemical.
Any competent druggist (but we don't have those here) should be able to
supply magnesium sulphate (Epsom salts) in powder form. It may also be the
major component of some everyday branded chemical (Alka Selzer? Andrews
Liver Salts? - Any ideas ?)
Richard Parker
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