Art Weil wrote,
"Dear James;-
        "Interestingly, Dr. Zeigler in his 'Olive Shells of the World'
leaves a space vacant for a photo of O. aniomina when '---ones comes
available.' How many examples was that described from----and where are
        "The Q. Man"

This is yet another questionable practice in taxonomy. O. aniomina is a
"conditional name"--one that is proposed on condition that specimens or
information about them are found later. Article 15 of the International
Code of Zoological Nomenclature (1985) says, in part,
"A scientific name or nomenclatural act proposed conditionally after 1960
is not thereby made available [i.e., valid]; conditional proposal before
1961 does not prevent availability..."

But aside from that, the author of any new species name has to follow
several other rules as well, so this name probably is unavailable for
taxonomic use.

Andrew K. Rindsberg
Geological Survey of Alabama