To those that responded: Thanks very much for the info
on the "sandwichensis" shells. I greatly appreciate it.
Now a question for the entire list. While out walking the
other day, I came across a land snail in the woods. It is about
the same size as am american nickel, and is translucent brown.
( but that is hard to tell, because of the animal ). It looks quite like
it could be in the family Helicidae. Lip is thin, but forms a white
around the aperture. Umbilicus is partially closed by the lower lip.
Vertical striations cover the whole shell, but they vanish at the apex.
There is a tiny, white tooth on the inside roof of the aperture. There is
a shallow,
white suture. Can anybody tell me what this is? I found it on a leaf of
wild ginger
early in the afternoon in a deep central Ohio forest. Oh, yes, does
anyone have any
suggestions on how to clean land snails without a mess??
