The Curatorial and Research Division of the Delaware Museum of Natural
History announces the availability of two graduate student scholarships
in support of systematic research in Malacology or Ornithology. Each
$500 award will be used toward travel expenses for students visiting
DMNH to study our world-class systematic collections and library.
Eligible students must be enrolled in a graduate degree-granting program
and pursuing collections-based research leading to publication.
Applicants should submit a succinct research proposal (not exceeding two
pages) outlining the thesis project plus the work to be accomplished at
DMNH, a brief CV, a budget, and one supporting letter from a faculty
advisor. Application deadline is 13 September 1999.

DMNH's extensive Mollusk Collection comprises more than 2 million
specimens and 18,000 species from worldwide marine, land, and freshwater
environments, including dry shells, alcohol-preserved specimens, and
Cenozoic fossils. Approximately 7% of the collection is from the
Philippines. It presently ranks as the fifth largest mollusk collection
in the U.S. Important holdings include the Weaver-DuPont Volutidae, the
Stanford University U.S. Unionidae (on permanent loan), and over 1,200
type lots.

DMNH's Bird Collection is worldwide in scope, with special strengths in
North and Central America and the Philippines. Approximately 67,000
study skins, 9,000 skeletons, and 5,300 alcohol-preserved specimens
represent over 3,000 species. The bird egg collection comprises another
36,000 specimens, forming the second largest egg collection in North
America. The Philippine holdings represent this nation's most complete
collection of birds from this biologically diverse island group.

The DMNH Library (10,000 volumes) is one of the finest in classic
systematic works in Malacology and Ornithology. Holdings include a
number of rare pre-Linnean volumes (many on long-term loan from Wagner
Free Institute of Science), as well as recent monographs, reprints, and

Specific questions about the collections should be addressed to Dr.
Timothy A. Pearce, Curator (Mollusks) or Mr. Gene K. Hess, Collection
Manager (Birds), at the address below.

Address applications to: Dr. Timothy A. Pearce, Head, Curatorial &
Research Division, Delaware Museum of Natural History, P.O. Box 3937,
Wilmington, DE  19807-0937, Tel. (302) 658-9111 ext. 319, FAX (302)
658-2610, email: [log in to unmask], web: