
Not altogether. Now that I think of it, I don't know where I read that T.
A. Conrad was related to R. T. Abbott. Wheeler's biography of T. A. Conrad
is at hand, however, and according to that source, the Abbott and Conrad
families intermarried at least twice.

Timothy Abbott Conrad (1803-1877) was the son of Solomon White Conrad
(1779-1831) and Elizabeth Abbott. TAC had sisters, Susan and Lucy. His
nieces included Mary G. Abbott. TAC never married and had no children. The
family lived in Pennsylvania.

TAC's sister, Susan Conrad, married Timothy Abbott; her children included
Dr. Charles C. Abbott, himself a collector, who inherited TAC's papers.
Unfortunately, his house later burned and the papers were destroyed along
with his own library. CCA's children included Richard Mauleverer Abbott and
Julia Boggs Abbott. RMA was alive in 1934, when Wheeler was putting the
last touches on his biography of TAC.

Do any of these Abbotts sound familiar to those who knew R. Tucker Abbott?
What's the connection?

Andrew K. Rindsberg
Geological Survey of Alabama


Wheeler, H. E., 1935, Timothy A. Conrad, with particular reference to his
work in Alabama one hundred years ago: Paleontological Research
Institution, Bulletins of American Paleontology, no. 77, 157 p. Reprint
edition 1977 (still in print, I believe).