Hi, Nora. There are at least four independent Codes (for plants, animals,
bacteria, viruses). Others have been proposed and used for a time by
various specialists. An "umbrella Code" has indeed been proposed, the
BioCode. But its provisions would not be retroactive, so in effect this
would be a fifth Code covering the names erected after its ratification
(which was supposed to be the "turn of the millenium", but clearly is not
going to happen this soon, if ever). Ficus would remain in use in both the
plant and animal kingdoms.

ICZN Recommendation 1A: "It is preferable not to propose for a genus of
animals a name already in use for a genus outside the animal kingdom."
Indeed. The opportunities for confusion are rife, as when I was researching
the trace fossil Asterosoma and had to waste time looking up articles on a
living plant of the same name.

Andrew K. Rindsberg
Geological Survey of Alabama