Dear James,
here is a list of rare or at least very uncommon Naticidae you might include
in your compilation. Most Naticids are rather abundant, and even for the
"rare" ones it might just be a question of stumbling across their exact
habitat before they become "common" as well. Of course, there are plenty of
Naticids known only from the Holotype, but many of those taxa are disputed as
to their validity. The ones listed below at least are undisputed good species:

Aloconatica kushime Shikama, 1971 [Japan]
Natica inexpectans Olsson, 1971 [Panamic]
Sigaretotrema inflata (Tesch, 1920) [Western Pacific]
Euspira fringilla (Dall, 1881) [Caribbean]
Euspira nubila (Dall, 1889) [Caribbean]
Haliotinella patinaria Guppy, 1876 [Caribbean]
Sinum noyesi Dall, 1903 [Panamic]
Natica perlineata Dall, 1889 [Caribbean]

Michael Hollmann

     Prof. Dr. Michael Hollmann
     Goerdelerweg 17
     D-37075 Goettingen
     Tel.:  (home)   (49)-551-58468
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