Hello everyone,

I am a cypraea collector, my name is Jiongtao Huang.
I am living in Japan now. I have collected cypraea for 6 years.
I am looking for the following books on cypraea,

(1) ``CIPREE RARE,'' by Federico Lobetti Bodoni
(2) ``COWRY SHELLS OF WORLD SEAS,'' by Joyce Allan
(3) ``CYPRAEIDAE,'' by V. Cossignani and M. Passamonti

Could anyone of you help me or give me some information?
If anyone can offer a copy to me, I can buy them. I have some copies
of cypraea book which published by China Scientific Academy.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you very much advance.

Jiongtao HUANG

e-mail: [log in to unmask]
url: http://www.soft.ics.keio.ac.jp/~huang/

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