I have been using about 1/3 lighter fluid to "cut" the mineral oil, since I
heard this recipe on Conch-L about two or three years ago.  Since it works
well, I have not experimented with other mixtures.

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-----Original Message-----
From: NORA BRYAN <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Friday, November 26, 1999 6:12 PM
Subject: [CONCH-L] What About Methyl Hydrate?

>At the risk of making a pest of myself (because I think I posted this a
>couple of weeks ago)...
>We had that very insightful discussion about what can be added to
>mineral oil to help it soak into shells better.  Can anyone tell me if
>Methyl Hydrate is a good choice to mix with mineral oil?
>What about "Paint Thinner" - (I realize that could be more than one
>possible thing).
>Nora Bryan
>Calgary, Alberta